Recorded my memories in Japan

I hope this is not just memories, love you Japan

The Atlanta falcons, pay close attention to you know best NFL football teams.

I don't know why will like this sport. But I really like to watch NFL football game. This is the most important.
Texans is 5-0, the only other unbeaten team in the NFL (accident) the Atlanta falcons. Although the Houston offense is less than stellar and most let people expect a blowout, defense took off for two times, beasted sanchez JJ watt blow ball tonight.


This is my favorite NFL football sports and I like the NFL team."JJ watt's the real deal. I think the knicks should pick him too all the blocks he doing STH..." - rex Ryan.

At least Ryan is giving due honor. Sanchez continues to struggle and make bad decisions. If it were not for Joe McKnight's TD to return to the plane will be exaggerated. The Texas person's greatest defensive player is with a knee injury, but that has not stopped this defense from wounded aircraft in metropolitan stadium.