Recorded my memories in Japan

I hope this is not just memories, love you Japan

Entries from 2012-10-01 to 1 month

The Chicago cubs, perhaps this is a good game. This is the most commendable.

Believe that a lot of things are worth us to understand and concern. This is the most important. Because I like MLB baseball. This is jerseys china Thomas was a bit of a struggle is a giant fan and trapped in Boise, especially th…

They spread false information, this is a kind of deception NHL hockey fans behavior.

I don't know why there are so many things to happen. But I have been very want to go to understand these things. But once I believe you, I will be to understand. As for me, I'm not going to Europe next month. I'm going to switch my tickets…

Stanford university NFL football player. This is we have to concern.

Everyone should believe. Why you'll be successful? Because we like NFL football movement. This is our most is worth to pay attention to things.From the first year of Stanford university is the director rookie of the most impressive and win…

The Atlanta falcons, pay close attention to you know best NFL football teams.

I don't know why will like this sport. But I really like to watch NFL football game. This is the most important. Texans is 5-0, the only other unbeaten team in the NFL (accident) the Atlanta falcons. Although the Houston offense is less th…